
Mind-Body Healing for Psychosomatic Pain

Let go of the emotional baggage keeping you in pain so you can heal the way you were always meant to... naturally.

  • Complimentary & Confidential
  • International via Google Meet

For those seeking help with medically unexplained symptoms such as...

  • Tension myositis syndrome
  • Unexplained vaginismus or vulvodynia
  • Unexplained chest or stomach pains
  • Unexplained old injury or surgery pains
  • Unexplained muscle, nerve, or joint pains
  • And more...

Frustration. You know it well.

Countless doctor's appointments have yet to find an answer.

All you want is for someone to help you identify the cause of your symptoms and to help you heal.

You're worried that your symptoms are a sign your brain is begging you to acknowledge something, and that you need to fix it before it's too late.

But every time you ask for help, you're made to feel like a hypochondriac or like you're doing it for attention.

It's invalidating to be dismissed and treated like it's "all in your head."

And because your emotional pain gets stored in your body, this emotional rollercoaster only makes things worse.

You don't know what to do or where to go from here.


you only needed to do 3 things to start feeling better?

If you have psychosomatic pain, you don't need that cure for anxiety you've been chasing to feel better.

It doesn't need to take years of therapy, fantasy cocktails of medications, or thumbing through page 10 of another late-night Google search hoping to find something new.

It can be as simple as being open and honest about your problem, saying the things that are the hardest to say, and truly wanting and willing to let it all go.

Then, all that's left is to uncover the stuff that's keeping you in pain, unravel it, and allow time to heal you the way you were always meant to heal... naturally.

1. Be open and honest about your problem

2. Say the things that are the hardest to say

3. Be wanting and willing to let it all go

Here's why fixating on anxiety isn't the answer.

Anxiety is just a symptom.

When it comes to psychosomatic problems, anxiety is just another symptom of the real culprit -- unresolved emotional baggage.

Have you ever asked yourself why you have anxiety in the first place? What makes anxiety affect you so much more than it does someone else? What happens in your mind before you start feeling anxious and your symptoms getting worse?

Fixating on anxiety only addresses a step in the middle.

As long as Step 1 (unresolved emotional baggage) remains unchecked, Step 2 (the anxiety) will always return, and Step 3 (your pain) will continue to be a problem.

What's MY Step 1?

That's what I help my clients uncover.

Then we unravel it.

And we do this in a few short hours so you can start healing as soon as humanly possible.

Then what?

Your healing takes care of itself in the following days and weeks.

No pages of worksheets to fill out.

No daily recordings to listen to.

No ongoing sessions to keep up with.

Just go about life and notice how resolving your emotional baggage -- the real culprit of your problem -- changes the way you feel, the way you think, and the way your future looks.

Hi, my name is Huixin.

(pronounced "Hoo-SHEEN")

I started out wanting to help people by giving them pain pills as their pharmacist.

But behind the curtain, I began to see the full effects of these far-from-perfect options in conventional medicine for unexplained pain.

Years later, I started working with patients one-on-one, in person, as a hands-on pain relief manual therapist in private practice.

My results are phenomenal. But one or two out of every hundred patients would seem truly stuck.

While everyone else was getting out of years-long chronic pain within a few treatments, these particular folks -- for some reason -- weren't getting to enjoy the same results, even when we both did everything right.

Why is this the case?

I came to realize that some people's healing is much more affected by unresolved emotional baggage.

It cements itself in the mind mentally, then wreaks havoc on the body physically. And yes, the physical symptoms are VERY real.

This is something that can happen around the time the pain first starts, or after living with pain for a while.

Or, it can even be something from so long ago you barely remember that makes the mind and the body susceptible to suffering from the kind of pain that doesn't seem to go away.

Unresolved emotional baggage is the culprit that can stop you from healing and make it feel impossible to live the life you want and feel like yourself again.

But you CAN feel better.

All that's needed is to uncover the layers of emotional baggage keeping you in pain, and unravel them.

However, it has to be done in a way that transforms you like you were changed when the problem first started at its core.

The best part is, you then get to live your life and HEAL without even thinking about it.

In the days and weeks that follow, you'll notice how different you feel, how different you think, and how different the future looks.

How can we work together?

1) Request a consultation

Answer some questions about your problem so I can assess whether it's something I can help with.

If it is, I'll offer to meet for a complimentary consultation so I can learn more of the nitty-gritty details.

2) Meet for the consultation

We meet online via Google Meet for a 30 to 60 minute video call, depending on the complexity of your problem.

We talk about your situation in detail and how we could possibly work together to accelerate your healing.

3) Sign up for healing

If we decide to work together, we'll set a time to meet online again for your healing transformation.

We unravel the unresolved emotional baggage keeping you in pain so you can finally start feeling better.



Mind-Body Healing Transformation

for Psychosomatic Pain

Uncover & unravel the unresolved emotional baggage keeping you in pain so you can start feeling better as soon as humanly possible.

This is a personalized private healing transformation for those who value an accelerated time-to-result of days and weeks, not months and years.

Investment is discussed on the complimentary consultation only with an official invitation to work together.

  • Complimentary & Confidential
  • International via Google Meet

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